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Wedding Decorations


Wedding Table Arrangement

Modern wedding 

Bring your Wedding to the 21st Century with our Modern Weddings themes.

Hugging Bride and Groom

Festival Weddings

Book a spectacular Festival Themed Wedding like no other.

Wedding Photography

Vintage wedding 

Add a touch of elegance and tradition with our Vintage Style Weddings.

Full Wedding Planning Services

As Wedding Planners, we have designed, produced and managed Weddings for all types of couples, delivering above and beyond expectations.


We only offer full Wedding Planning Services for our clients, bringing you the best Wedding possible, as we can control every aspect of your special day to meet and exceed your needs and requirements.


From finding the perfect venue and decorating it, to providing the best table centrepieces and adding the best entertainment to your Wedding, such as Bands and more. We do it all!


No matter how crazy or how traditional you want your Wedding to be, we can certainly pull-off your perfect Wedding.


We do have a minimum spend of LKR 200k to deliver the most extravagant Weddings.

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